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Privacy policy

Legal Notice

The explanations and information provided on this page are merely general and broad explanations and information about how to draft your own Privacy Policy document. You should not consider this article as legal advice or recommendations on what you should actually do, because we cannot know in advance what specific privacy policies you want to establish between your business and your customers and visitors. We recommend that you seek legal advice to understand and develop your own Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy: Fundamentals

That said, a Privacy Policy is a statement that discloses part or all of the practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, processing, and management of user and customer data on a website. It usually also includes a statement about the website’s commitment to protecting the privacy of its visitors or customers, and an explanation of the different mechanisms the website applies to protect privacy.

Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations regarding what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible for ensuring that you comply with the legislation relevant to your activities and location.

What Should Be Included in the Privacy Policy Document

In general terms, a Privacy Policy usually addresses the following types of issues: the types of information that the website collects and how it collects the data, an explanation of why the website collects this type of information, the website’s practices for sharing information with third parties, the ways in which your visitors and customers can exercise their rights in accordance with relevant privacy legislation, specific practices related to the collection of data from minors, and much more.

For more information, read our article on How to Create a Privacy Policy.

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